Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Discontent...who me?

Do you ever feel discontent with your life? I have to be honest and admit that a couple of months ago I dwelt in "discontent-land". Its funny how a great life with more than my share of blessings suddenly turns to furstrations and disillusionment. How does this happen? Well, if you asked me a couple of months ago I'd have told you it was because my husband wasn't being attentive, my children were being too needy and my house project was taking too long. Naturally this combination would lead to great dissatisfaction with my life!

And then it dawns on me, I have two of the most precious children on the face of the planet. They deserve a mother that will inspire them, a mother whose patience will help guide them, a mother who can see past the little "frustrations" and embrace the life God has given her, a mother who's children never doubt her affection for them.

And while I'm travelling down that road...I have an amazing husband. Perfect, no. Wonderful nontheless, yes. I then begin to think, what kind of wife does he deserve? He deserves a wife who inspires him to greatness, who recognizes his potential and encourages him, a wife who smiles when he walks in the door, and of course a wife who shaves her legs and puts of his favorite lotion, wink, wink.

So after I ponder the wife and mother that I was not, but hoped to be, I asked God what my problem was. And then he gave me eyes to see: my husband has been working tirelessly to finish our house addition and deck. God said, "maybe you could serve him instead of complaining that he's too tired to meet all your needs." My children are 3 and almost 5 and they love me. They want me to play with them all day. God said, "do you remember 3 years ago having two babies, you think your children are needy now, have you forgotten how far they come? You are their world today, but you won't always be. Sit and play a 6th game of Sequence, the dishes will still be there when you're done."

It's funny after God talks to you, how clearly you see your circumstances. I am a blessed woman. I sought forgiveness and high tailed it out of discontent-land. In case you were planning to stop there on your journey, take it from me, it's a dead end, stop at Starbucks instead!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Entering the world of the bloggers!

It's true I sit and read blogs from various people and enjoy getting a glimpse into their lives. I never comment or leave a trace that I was ever there, primarily because I haven't taken the time to figure out how! I have been enlightened, challenged and brought to tears in laughter sneaking peaks into my friends lives, so I thought I'd start my own. Life is full of too many precious moments not to share them! Especially when you have young children like I do. Isn't it amazing how much a five year old can teach an adult. Kind of scares me sometimes! Once I figure out really how to do this "blogging stuff" I'll be back with more!